How indian airforce librated Goa from portuguese rule

At whatever point india had required a safeguard Indian airforce had stand tall. Indian airforce have always been a guardian of sky for our nation. Operation Vijay of 1961 is a good example of courageous and tactical virtues of IAF.

India got its independence from British Rule in 1947 but still there were some parts of India which remained colonized under portuguese rule these parts included Goa, Daman and DIU. Up till 1961, 14 years of independence, India had became a Democratic nation but DIU, Daman, Goa, Dadra and nagarhaveli which covered approximately 4300 kms of land reamined under portugal rule. Jawahar Lal Nehru, than prime minister of India wrote hundreds of letter to the portuguese general ruling in Goa for the independence of these territories, but all of his effort were turned deaf ear by Portuguese Government.

There were massive independence movements in Goa and Daman. Indian Goverment were left with two choices first one was to support those freedom fighters and indirectly indulge in war with portugal, Second option was to launch a massive milatry attack on these colonized territories. Nehru goverment was under pressure to take any action on the present situation, but it reamined silent as it feared that any action would cause worsening of relation of india with Europian countries and USA.

On 24th of November, 1961 a passenger ferry named Sabarmati was travelling from mumbai to kochi. As the ferry entered Goa's water territory it was attacked by  a portuguese canon which killed one passenger and a ship engineer. This incident made the public furious and Indian Government lost its patience and launched a major military attack on Goa.This top secret operation was named as vijay. Twenty thousand of indian army men headed by Lt General marched towards Goa. AMX 13 class tank went roaring into the borders of Goa. Plan was to go straight to the capital panjim and capture it. Cunning portuguese army tried to stop the indian army by destroying several bridges and roads which further slowed down Indian army movements. On the contrary portuguese were giving a tough fight to indian army.

The Guardians of the sky the mighty Indian airforce than entered roaring into the battle field. British first generation jet-powered canberra aircrafts of IAF fleet took off from Delhi airforce base towards Dabolin airport in Goa. Portuguese army was completely unprepared for this air raid. Within minutes of raid Dabolin airport was completely scorched with fire. Canberra aircrafts showered hell from sky. Approximately 28000 of bombs where dropped by indian bombers. This air raid ensured that portuguese in Goa had no air support from far away portugal. Meanwhile Indian navy attacked and captured anshdev. Indian army was also moving forward towards Panjim defeating portuguese army and making there way through river and streams. Within 30 hours of attack Portuguese Governor General Manuel Antonio surrendered to India. Now Goa was under Indian Government however portuguese government refused to surrender Daman and DIU to indian government thus, attack on DIU and Daman was inevitable.Within hours of indian army attack Daman and DIU was under indian government. 450 years of portuguese rule in indian counterparts came to halt within 41 hours.
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